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Олег Газманов

1  2   3   4 
  1. A Fresh Wind
  2. Squadron
  3. А я девушек люблю
  4. Балтийский берег
  5. Баядера
  6. Бескозырка
  7. Бродяга
  8. В век победы пиара над разумом
  9. В нашем доме прах
  10. В оконной раме, словно в рамке для картин
  11. Весёлый Роджер
  12. Вместе слушаем грома раскаты
  13. Два орла
  14. Держи меня, соломинка
  15. Дождись
  16. Доля
  17. Дороги
  18. Друг
  19. Есаул
  20. За минуту до снега

A Fresh Wind

Исп.: Олег Газманов

I’m not the same that I was yesterday no more
A fresh wind has raised my wings up high
Ripping my old skin apart
With my new skin I’ve embraced the sky
That fresh wind didn’t fly by in vain
Shook the dust and blew my window open
For so long I’ve dreamed of a fresh wind
Fresh wind, I’m on your side.

By the plain, the plain, a fresh wind went flying
By the plains, for so long I’ve wanted that fresh wind to fly
By the plain, the plain, a fresh wind was flying 
By the plains, for so long I’ve dreamed of that fresh wind to fly

I’ll go tell him the story of my life
How they were curing me from freedom
How they wanted me to loose my sight
It’s so easy to take it all from a blind 
How they wanted to decide all for me
What to wear, where to live and what to breathe
How they wanted to forbid me to dream
But they cannot hold me now

I’m not the same that I was yesterday no more
I’m so hungry, but I’m happy and mad
There’s just nothing for me to loose today
Somebody else will loose all now
Thoughts are so clear in the songs of the wind
There’s no truth but the sky above
That song is streaming to me from a height 
Who cannot hear it is simply deaf

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Александр Вайнберг
Анна Герман
Анатолий Днепров
Владимир Маркин
Валерий Ободзинский
Мила Елисеева
Николай Йоссер
Веня Одесский
Иван Московский
Алеша Димитриевич

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